Department of Geodetic Engineering – Faculty of Engineering UGM

Geomatics Doctoral Program

Faculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada

Geomatics Engineering Postgraduate Doctoral Profile Video

Leaflet Pascasarjana Doktor Teknik Geomatika

Identity of Geodetic Engineering Doctoral Study Program

The Doctoral Program in Geomatics Engineering (PDPSTGM) is part of the Department of Geodetic Engineering (DTGD) at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FT UGM). It is currently 22 years old, established in 2000. The management of PDPSTGM underwent several changes in accordance with the organizational structure established by the university. The management of the doctoral program was one with the master’s program since its establishment until 2015. Furthermore, PDPSTGM is managed separately under DTGD.

Vision and Mission of Geomatics Engineering Doctoral Program

The scientific vision of PDPSTGM is “The vision of the Geomatics Engineering Doctoral Study Program FT UGM is to become an effective Doctoral Program and have an international reputation in the field of geomatics engineering, which produces Geomatics Engineering Doctors who master science and technology and have dignity in accordance with the values of Pancasila and serve for the progress of the nation and humanity.”

Scientific mission of PDPSTGM

  1. In order to achieve the vision of the Study Program, the scientific mission of the Geomatics Engineering Doctoral Study Program of the Department of Geodesy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada is formulated as follows:
  2. Organizing doctoral education that is oriented towards achieving program goals with the support of Information Technology in a mix.
    Implement innovative and quality research based on the state of the art (SOTA) of the latest scientific findings in the development of science and technology in the field of geomatics engineering for solving engineering and humanitarian problems and initiating novelty in the field of geomatics engineering.
    Take an active role in realizing alternative solutions for national and international communities by applying the results of education and research to improve welfare to geospatial information-based communities.
  3. Develop study program management and establish mutually beneficial cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions through Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi activities through education and research activities in the field of Geomatics Engineering.

Graduate Profile

Based on the results of the tracer study analysis and the needs of the stakeholders, the Geomatics Engineering Doctoral Program has the following graduate profile formulation:

  1. Regulators, namely policy makers in government and community sectors related to the field of Geomatics Engineering. For example: Middle & Primary Leaders, Inspectorate.
  2. Lecturer / Researcher, namely Professionals in the field of Education and research for the scientific development of Geomatics Engineering.
  3. CTO Surveying and Mapping, professionals who act as leaders of technology development in business entities and businesses related to Geomatics Engineering. For example, Chief of Technology Officer, Chief of Information Officer, Chief of Geospatial Information Officer.

Tujuan Pendidikan Program Studi/Program Educational Objective (PEO) 

Tujuan Pendidikan Program Studi/Program Educational Objective (PEO) adalah setelah berkarya di masyarakat/industri selama 3 s.d. 4 tahun, lulusan PDPSTGM mampu:

  1. Mampu mengembangkan secara komprehensif IPTEKS melalui analisis kritis atau penelitian transdisiplin untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan survei dan pemetaan.
  2. Mampu mengembangkan desain dan menciptakan solusi komprehensif terhadap permasalahan kompleks bidang Teknik Geomatika.
  3. Mampu bekerja secara efektif dan berintegritas baik sebagai individu maupun pimpinan dalam lingkungan profesional maupun ilmiah bidang transdisiplin Teknik Geomatika serta menjadi pembelajar sepanjang hayat.

Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL)/ Student Outcome (SO)

Berdasarkan pada Tujuan Pendidikan Program Studi/Program Educational Objective (PEO), maka rumusan CPL PDPSTGM adalah:

  1. Menunjukkan sikap Pancasila dan kesadaran terhadap kepentingan bangsa dan negara
  2. Menunjukkan sikap jujur, bertanggung-jawab, percaya diri, kematangan emosional, beretika, dan kesadaran profesi.
  3. Mampu mengembangkan teori fundamental teknik geomatika untuk aplikasi ilmiah dan praktis
  4. Mampu mengaplikasikan bidang ilmu Teknik Geomatika secara komprehensif dengan pendekatan multi-transdisiplin melalui aktivitas penelitian dengan menerapkan metode dan teknologi geomatika terkini secara tepat sesuai dengan kaidah akademik
  5. Mampu memecahkan masalah ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dengan memanfaatkan ketersediaan teknologi, sarana dan prasarana modern bidang geomatika dalam kegiatan ilmiah dan professional
  6. Mampu berpikir kritis, rasional, dan objektif yang didasarkan pada kaidah-kaidah keilmuan dan berorientasi pada pembelajaran sepanjang hayat
  7. Mampu mengkomunikasikan dan mempublikasikan pemikiran dan hasil penelitian secara efektif kepada masyarakat ilmiah dan masyarakat umum
  8. Mampu bekerja dalam tim yang bersifat multidisiplin melalui jejaring penelitian baik tingkat nasional dan internasional dan memiliki tanggung jawab akademik serta etika profesi