The Department of Geodetic Engineering , Gadjah Mada University in collaboration with the Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University Taiwan will hold a short course on the use of UAV photogrammetry for 3D modeling. Professor Jiann Yeou Rau will provide material for 12 days from January 27 to February 7, 2020 in the Meeting Room I of the UGM Geodetic Engineering Department Building.
Shortcourse participants were selected from a number of students from D3 and D4 levels, Bachelor up to masters in the UGM Geodetic Engineering environment. After the selection process, the following names were chosen as a participant to the short course delivered by Prof. Rau:
Undergraduate Students of Geodetic Engineering UGM:
- Novita Nugraheni
- M. Arif Mumtaz
- Ahkmad Zamharir Zuhdi
- Primaning Pangasa
- Evi Listyorini
- Muhammad Rury Romdani
- Silvia Tri Anugrah Dewi
- Antonius Raditya Seno Aji
- Akram sripandam prihanantya
- Dhega wasi wihikan
- Affina Dyan Setyawati
- Nadia Hanifah Ayuningtyas
Vocational School Students, Department of Geo-Informatics UGM:
- Jean Shabha Nur Adinda
- Agus Setiawan
- Selvy Pythagoresna
- Ganis Putri Maharani
- Alfian Yusuf R
- Ginna Siti Rahma
Master Student of Geomatics Engineering Program Study UGM:
- Arif Setiawan
- Iradaf Mandaya
- Johan Ariyantoni
- Maulana Yudinugroho
- Meiga Nugrahani
- Dimas Uga Perceka
- Hikmah Fajar Assidiq
- Syaiful Muflichin Purnama
- Elisa Maiyenti
The above-mentioned names are expected to be able to follow the entire agenda of the short course from beginning to end. For further information, please contact Mr. Ruli Andaru at the number provided in the publication