Before you start reading about what Geodetic Engineering is, first watch this video from NASA:
Geodesy comes from the Greek, Geo (γη) = earth and daisia / daiein (δαιω) = divide, the word geodaisia or geodeien means dividing the earth. According to IAG (International Association Of Geodesy, 1979), Geodesy Engineering is a discipline that studies the measurement and representation of the Earth and other heavenly bodies, including their respective gravity fields, in three-dimensional space that changes with time. Since ancient times, Geodetic Engineering has been used by humans for navigation purposes. Earth mapping activities as a field of Geodetic science have been started since the flood of the Nile River (2000 BC) by the Ancient Egyptian kingdom. The more significant development of Geodesy was when humans studied the shape of the earth & the size of the earth more deeply by the Greek figure, Erastotenes who is known as the father of Geodesy. Today, due to advances in information technology, the scope of geodesy is expanding.
Nowadays, the fields of geodesy that can be studied by students can be divided into terrestrial surveying and mapping, hydrographic surveying and mapping, geoinformatics or geographic information systems, land and property administration, border area management and also photogrammetry and remote sensing. Therefore, Geodesy becomes synonymous with measurement activities and the process of making maps so that students are required to understand and master methods ranging from data acquisition, processing, presentation, analysis to the decision-making process to be applied in daily work. To support all of these curricula, a geodesy student must have abilities such as liking calculations and analysis, liking data processing using computer software, and liking field work.
Given the scope of geodesy and its increasingly widespread application in many fields of work, the need for Human Resources (HR) in the field of surveying and mapping, especially Geodesy student graduates for various government and private agencies is very large. Geodetic Engineering graduates are pioneers in investigative surveys of large and small-scale civil projects/works, such as the opening of oil and gas mining on land/forest or in the oceans, road infrastructure, irrigation, buildings, railroad networks, airports and others. Generally, every simple civil work (large / small scale) related to the earth’s surface both in depth (excavation) and height (embankment) involves this field or a team of geodetic surveyors. Broadly speaking, Geodetic Engineering graduates can work in various fields, namely:
- Government Institutions (National Land Agency; Geopatial Information Agency; State Intelligence Agency; Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency; National Nuclear Power Agency; National Aeronautics and Space Agency; Bappeda and Bappenas; Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration; Ministry of Environment and Forestry; Ministry of Education and Culture; Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources; Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing; Ministry of Transportation, TNI and Dishidros TNI-AL; Ministry of ATR / BPN, Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries,; and others).
- Academia and Research (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Lecturers, etc.)
- State-Owned Enterprises that use and develop map-related knowledge.
- Private Industry for example Mapping Consultant Companies, Mining Companies, Onshore/Offshore Companies, and others.
- Building Contractor Company.
- Road and Bridge Construction Companies
- Creative industry / Start-Up related to and developing location based service technology